Magma-AC Galloway
Owner/Head Coach John D. Min, Founder
WELCOME TO MAGMA-41 AthLETIC CENTER (MaC) 319 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd, Galloway NJ 08205 (garden state parkway, exit 41, Risley square, unit 500) 609-748-2186
1 All programs reopen January 4th, 2025 Saturday, no new registration fee required! Most days, times, classes same as 2024, please note new names, and team changes.
2 Tots & Titans and Preschool classes are ages 1-2 1/2 with parent, and 2 1/2-4 yrs, Discovery Classes (3.5-5), Explorer (5-7), Renaissance (6-9), Enlighten (9+older), GAP (9+) for boys and girls, Cheer Acro Tumbling, Ninja, Trampoline, and specialty classes.
3 Monthly tuition only, no contracts, no-long-term fees, new students register online and choose Galloway Gym, classes all open for assignment. Times and days pending based on enrollment numbers. No cellphones or cell watches during active training time.
MagmaAC Classes Daily Schedule â>>>
SATURDAY 9:00-9:55 Discovery, Explorer, Renaissance, Ninja All
10-10:55 Tots Titans 2-3, Discovery, Explorer, Renaissance All Levels
11:00-11:55 Renaissance, Enlighten All, Ninja, Trampoline, Boys All 12-1pm OPEN GYM
4:00-6 Trampoline Team, 4:00-4:55 Tots Titans 2-3 yrs, Discovery, Explorer, Renaissance All
5:00-7:30 Novice Team, Coach Rose, 5:05-6 Discovery, Explorer, Renaissance All
6:05-7 Explorer, Renaissance, Enlighten
7:05-8 Tumbling, Trampoline, Renaissance, Enlighten All, 7-9pm COLLEGE/ADULT CLASS
8-8:55 Advance Boys, Trampoline/Tumbling
TUESDAY 4:00-4:55 Discovery All, Renaissance All, BOYS All, 5-7pm Level 8 Pre Team
5:00-5:55 Renaissance All Levels, Ninja 6-10 yrs, Preschool 3-5 yrs, 5:00-5:55 Cheer Tumble
6:00-6:55 Discovery All, Renaissance All, Enlighten All, Boys All
7:00-7:55 Boys All, Trampoline All, Cheer Tumble All, Ninja All
8-8:55 Advance Boys, Trampoline/Tumbling
WED 1-3pm Open Gym, 4:00-4:55 Discovery, Explorer, Renaissance All,
5:00-7:30 Novice Team, 5:00-5:55 Discovery, Explorer, Renaissance, Tumbling All
6:00-6:55 Explorer, Renaissance, Enlighten All
7:00-7:55 Enlighten, Tumbling, Boys, Trampoline, Ninja All
THUR 4:00-4:55 Tramp Tumbling Beg, Discovery, Explorer All
5-7pm Level J78 Team, 5:00-5:55 Discovery, Renaissance, Enlighten All
6:00-6:55 Cheer Tumble, Trampoline, Renaissance, Enlighten, Ninja All
6:30-8 GAP Advance Gymnastics Girls All, 6:30-8 Preteam, 7-8 Boys All
Team Schedule Pending
TEAM Training SCHEDULE & CertificAtion
Magma coaches complete USAG certifications and held to the highest standards of commitment, education, and passion. Team coaches complete extensive coursework with training and background check. All competitive gymnasts USAG national/state membership.
MONDAY 3-7:00, 5:15-8:30 TEAM
TUESDAY 5:15-8:30 TEAM
WED 3-7:00, 5:15-8:30 TEAM
THUR 3-7:00, 5:15-8:30 TEAM
Sat Team Clinic 3-7pm (3/8) Weekend & Day Program (Invite Only) Pre-Elite, Tops, Hopes, Level 6-10